“You are the bestest bookkeeper I’ve ever had,” the client said proudly.

Bookkeeper, you say?

Gee, I thought we were more than that.  Bookkeeping is just one thing we do for them.  

Now, ok, I’m not really mad—just a little miffed.  I realize that they do not necessarily understand numbers. That is why they have hired us.  However, maybe if I explained a bit of what comprises a company’s financial picture, it might be an eye-opener.


Among the things, here is a list of services needed to run a business’ finances (and the list of what we do).  Tasks such as these do represent “bookkeeping” type services.

  • Pay bills  
  • Send invoices to customers
  • Collections management

Other services outside of simply paying bills and collecting customers’ receipts go beyond “bookkeeping” tasks.  We are degreed accountants with years of experience.  Solutions, as in part of our company name, means you will get better quality services outside of bookkeeping. 

So, before we start calling names (“bookkeeper”) let’s take another look at that list and your whole financial operation.  You will be glad you did.  By the way, this client has had “bookkeepers” in their past and what a mess that so-called bookkeeper did to their books. Ouch.

We are proud of the work we do and our clients’ success.  We are pleased to be part of that success.  Because when they are successful, we are successful.  We handle accounting from the back office to the board room.  Period.


The TFO Team