We all know two times two is four. Is there ever a time when it isn’t?
Maybe when you’re selling online?
If you think business is business is business, look again. Brick-and-mortar businesses operate differently than online, virtual stores or e-commerce concerns. And, as such, there are differing financial considerations. The differences lay in these areas and, consequently, impact your financials:
- Pricing.
- Shipping and handling and inventory.
- Payment processing (collections).
- Store build-out and “rent.”
- Sales commissions and compensation.
- Equipment.
- Online sales and marketing.
If your overhead is different (among other things), then your pricing model will change. Inventory and shipping and handling becomes all that much more important as goods move differently through your supply chain (no storefront). Payments are collected and processed all online or through alternative systems from a traditional storefront. Where you sell from (your own site or sites like Amazon) changes your expense model dramatically. Payroll and commissions also change because of how your sales are accounted for and who makes them. Instead of a sales floor and a traditional point-of-sale unit, everything from fulfillment to inventory to the final transaction has to be done by something—meet the new age equipment. And how you go to market is vastly different that having walk-up customers.
For more on how to manage your finances for your online enterprise, call or write to us. TFO Solutions is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and business owners with their financial strategy from the back office to the boardroom.
**photos courtesy of Unsplash (Mark Konig, Chris Liverani photographers)
*With apologies to Tom Lehrer and his song, “New Math.”